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Safari Hunting

Africa hunting e-Books:
In these books I've compiled all of what I've learned from over 30+ internationl hunting trips with 16+ African Safaris to help you avoid and mitigate some of the learning curves I've went through. I hope these books are helpful when planning your first or next safari.

Safari Planning FREE eBook

I have created a 100% FREE eBook on planning your first or next Safari with hyperlinks to all the information mentioned in the book.

This book is 16 pages long and just under 5,000 words being extremly easy to naviagte to each chapter by just clicking the desired chapter in the table of contents. 

This is a printable PDF if you'd  like a paper copy or after downloading it you can save it to any devices you wish to store it on.

This eBook will come in handy when planning and preparing for your first or next Safari download my Safari Planning eBook below! 

Download Now For FREE!

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Safari Tipping FREE eBook

Wanting to know how to tip on your upcoming Safari or international hunt? I break down what I've learned about tipping from my over 30 international hunts with 16+ safaris taken in the last 17 years. Tipping can be a confusing topic and when you get on any online forum or blog you can get lost in all the comments sharing different information often making it very confusing to decipher. I try to unpack it all in this ve-Book breaking down the key elements of tipping.

What is tipping?

When do you tip?

Who do you tip?

How much do you tip?

And more.

I hope this e-Book is helpful for you when planning your first or your next Safari.

Download Now For FREE!

You will have it shortly!

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