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SCI Record Book

Are you a member of SCI?

If your a member of SCI you get acces to one of the greatest reaserching tools available.

That is the SCI Record book. Now I know I just said Record book and reaserching tool in the same sentence.

That is correct the SCI Record book is one of if not the greatest reaserching tool when it comes to wildlife around the world they have huntable and non huntbale species on the online record book and they explain the dtails, the locations, habits and more for each animal. It also lets you learn what outfitters are having the greatest of sucess and much more.

If you are a member  I suggest you take the time to check it out and enter a few of your own animals.

If your not a member nows the time to join!

I relaeased a video and audio verson of why I use the SCI recordbook for more than just seeing the biggest and best.

See it at the links below

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