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Ethiopia hunts
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" We have had some fabulous Safaris in the country of Ethiopia with Ethiopian Rift Valley Safaris. Jason Roussos has grew up under the wing of his father and legendary PH Nassos Roussos That being said runs one if no the best operation found in Ethiopia. They offer a great range of hunts across the country, hunting the Mountains home to the Mountian Nyala, Meneliks Bushbuck and others, the valleys and deserts home to the Desert Warthog, Soemmerings Gazelle, and Northern Gerenuk. If you long for a trip to the Horn of Africa in search of its wild game and culture rich experiences give ERVS a call. I look forward to getting back in 2025" McKenzie Sims

Ethiopia hunts
Ethiopia hunts
Ethiopia hunts

Species Offered:

Baboon, Gelada

Baboon, Hamadryas

Bat-Eared Fox

Buffalo, East African Savanna

Bushbuck, Abyssinian

Bushbuck, Menelik's



Dik-Dik, Guenther's

Dik-Dik, Harar

Dik-Dik, Salt's

Dik-Dik, Swayne's

Duiker, East African Bush

Gazelle, Northern Grant's

Gazelle, Somali Soemmering's

Genet Cat

Gerenuk, Northern

Gerenuk, Southern

Giant Forest Hog

Hartebeest, Neumann's

Jackal, Black-Backed

Jackal, Golden or Side-Striped


Kudu, Abyssinian Greater

Kudu, Lesser (northern & southern)


Monkey, Blue

Monkey, Colobus

Monkey, Grivet


Mountain Nyala

Oribi, Sudan

Ratel (Honey Badger)

Reedbuck, Abyssinian Bohor

Reedbuck, Chaner's Mountain

Serval Cat

Spotted Hyena

Waterbuck, East African Defassa


Warthog Desert

Wild Cat

Ethiopa bush buck
ERVS Hunt Inquiry 

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