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The list below is comprephensive list of the species found across Africa. Now there is a few small species that are left out and bird speceis are left out. this list does included animals no longer hunted that are labled with (NH) "Not Hunted" these species either live in a country that is no longer hunted or their are not permits avalible to hunt them. Many of them were badly depleted during the early bush waars and the pionioring stages of the Northern countries of Africa. I hope you find this list helpful and insightive to learn more about African wildlife and to help you when planning your next or futuer safaris. 


Dangerous game



African Elephant

Southern White Rhinoceros 

Northern White Rhinoceros (NH)

Black Rhinoceros 

Cape Buffalo

Central African Savanna Buffalo

Dwarf Forest Buffalo

East African Savanna Buffalo

Nile Buffalo

West African Savanna Buffalo 

Nile Crocodile


Sable and Roan

East African Roan Antelope 

Southern Roan Antelope 

Sudan Roan Antelope 

Western Roan Antelope

Common Sable Antelope 

Giant Sable Antelope (NH)

Roosevelt Sable Antelope


Spiral Horns

Cape Eland

Central African Giant Eland

Livingstone Eland 

East African Eland 

Western Giant Eland

Abyssinian Greater Kudu 

East African Greater Kudu 

Eastern Cape Greater Kudu 

Lesser Kudu 

Southern Greater Kudu

Western Greater Kudu 

Central Africa Bongo (C.A.R., Cameroon) 

Kenya Bongo (NH)

Western Bongo (NH)

East African Sitatunga

Forest Sitatunga

Ssese Islands Sitatunga 

Zambezi Sitatunga

Abyssinian Bushbuck

Cape Bushbuck

Chobe Bushbuck 

East African Bushbuck

Harnessed Bushbuck 

Limpopo Bushbuck

Menelik Bushbuck 

Nile Bushbuck


Pygmy Antelope 

Abbott Duiker

Ader Duiker

Angolan Bush Duiker

Beira or Antelope 

Bay Duiker

Black Duiker 

Black-fronted Duiker

Blue Duiker 

East African Bush Duiker

Gabon or White-bellied Duiker

Harvey Red Duiker 

Jentink Duiker

Maxwell Duiker 

Natal Red Duiker 

Ogilby Duiker

Peters Duiker

Red-flanked Duiker 

Southern Bush Duiker

Western Bush Duiker 

Weyns Duiker 

Yellow Back Duiker

Zebra Duiker

Damara Dik-dik

Guenther Dik-dik 

Harar Dik-dik 

Kirk Dik-dik 

Phillips Dik-dik

Salt Dik-dik 

Southern Oribi

Central Oribi

Sudan Oribi 

Western Oribi

East African Suni

Livingstone Suni

Zanzibar Suni

Cape Grysbok

Sharpe Grysbok 


Royal Antelope

Bates Pygmy Antelope




Small Game / Predators 


African Cheetah
African Civet

African Golden Cat 

African Striped Hyena

African Wild Cat

Bat-eared Fox

Brown Hyena


Genet Cat

Palm Civet


Spotted Hyena


Side striped jackal

Black Back jackal 

Golden Jackal

Honey Bagger 

Cape Fox


Vervet monkey

Colobus Monkey 

Patas Monkey 

Chacma Baboon

Olive Baboon

Hamadryas Baboon

Gelada Baboon

Anubis Baboon 



Desert Warthog

Red River Hog 


Barbary Wild Boar

Giant Forest Hog



Atlas Gazelle (NH)

Bright Gazelle(NH)

Dama Gazelle (NH)

Egyptian Dorcas Gazelle (NH)

Eritrean Gazelle (NH)

Heuglin Gazelle (NH)

Isabelline Gazelle (NH)

Mongalla Gazelle (NH)

Moroccan Dorcas Gazelle (NH)

Northern Grant Gazelle 

Pelzeln Gazelle (NH)

Peters or Tana Gazelle (NH)

Red-fronted Gazelle or Korin 

Roberts Gazelle

Sahara Dorcas Gazelle (NH)

Slender-horned Gazelle (NH)

Soemmerring Gazelle 

Speke or Flabby-nosed Gazelle (NH)

Sudan Soemmerring Gazelle (NH)

Thomson Gazelle 

Southern Impala

East African Impala

Black Faced Impala










Red Hartebeest

Coke Hartebeest 

Jackson Hartebeest 

Kenya Highland Hartebeest (NH)

Lelwel Hartebeest

Lichtenstein Hartebeest

Neumann Hartebeest

Swayne Hartebeest (NH)

Western Hartebeest 



Blue Wildebeest

Black Wildebeest 

Cookson Wildebeest 

Nyasa Wildebeest

White- beareded wildebeest



Angolan Defassa Waterbuck

Common or Ringed Waterbuck 

Crawshay Defassa Waterbuck 

East African Defassa Waterbuck

Sing-sing Waterbuck 

Black Lechwe 

Red Lechwe

Kafue Flats Lechwe

Nile Lechwe (NH)


Central African Kob

Uganda Kob 

West African Kob 

White eared Kob



Abyssinian Bohor Reedbuck

Chanler Mountain Reedbuck

Common Reedbuck 

Eastern Bohor Reedbuck 

Nagor Reedbuck 

Nigerian Bohor Reedbuck

Southern Mountain Reedbuck

Sudan Bohor Reedbuck 

Western Mountain Reedbuck



Zebra – Burchell’s
Zebra – Cape Mountain

Zebra – Hartmann’s Mountain

Selou’s Zebra

Grants Zebra

Chapmans Zebra

Crawshay’s Zebra

Maneless Zebra 


Ibex and sheep

Aoudad or Barbary Sheep

Nubian Ibex

Wally Ibex (NH)



Beisa Oryx

Burchell's Golden Oryx (Namibia)

Fringe-eared Oryx 

Scimitar-horned Oryx 

Angolan Gemsbok 

Kalahari Gemsbok (Namibia) 

Kalahari Gemsbok (R.S.A., Botswana, Zimbabwe) 





One off’s


Vaal Rhebok 

Water Chevrotain

Addax (NH)

Hirola or Hunter Antelope (NH)




Angolan Springbok (NH)

Black Springbok

White Springbok

Copper Springbok

Kalahari Springbok

South African Common Springbok


Color variations found in South Africa 

Golden Gemsbok

Red Gemsbok

Golden Wildebeest

Kings Wildebeest

Royal Wildebeest 

Black Impala 

Saddle back impala 

White flanked impala

Yellow Blesbok

Copper Blesbok

Painted Blesbok

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